Thursday, January 24, 2008

I arrived at the outlet much earlier than usual. I didn't have the key so I observed our store from outside. I didn't like our mannequins. They weren't really eye catching and I thought they looked a bit lifeless. I always remember mannequin displays from boutiques like zara and armani- the unique colour combination, stylish designs, and the atmosphere of the storefront. So during break, I made it a point to go around suntec to notice the difference between the other boutique's store display and ours.

This is our storefront: ( I took it at an angle because I realised that customers glance at display windows at 45degrees)

These are the storefronts of other boutiques:

These are the main observations I made from them:

1) Most of the mannequins had synchronised colours and this created some form of atmosphere that's eye-catching. Humans are probably attracted to colours in a way.

2) I thought that the mannequins from GG>5 was exceptionally eye-catching as the display was less cluttered and their mannequins stood out as a result. I would notice these two mannequins as compared to the other two from Iora ( the picture above it)

So then. Is our storefront display eye-catching?

This is just my personal opinion but I wouldn't really classify our storefront as one.

I thought that it was too cluttered that cudtomers do not know where to focus on. There was nothing that was particularly eye-catching and our mannequins didn't stand out either. Their colours weren't strong nor attractive. I would always notice the colours of clothes worn by mannequins as I always liked how they give me new ideas on how to match colours or match my clothes. So, I thought that we can probably do something more to our mannequins that would make customers focus their attention on them.

Or maybe our strategy is to let customers look around our store to have a look at our brands? This might be possible, but I am not too sure.

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