Friday, January 25, 2008

Today, most of the time was spent readjusting the display of our shop. Chris mentioned that when the store is not churning a lot of sales, it's advisable to change the store layout and keep readjusting until it does- a quote from boss. I will always remember this and also pay more attention to the display from other shops when I shop around.

I have also learnt another lesson from Chris and Uncle. They said that we always have to agree with the customer's taste, and that they would always push the stocks that are not moving. I don't know, but I don't quite agree. I think this is not a hard and fast rule that we always have to apply to customers?

The incident that sparked off this friendly discussion was this customer whom I was serving. I thought he was really a nice customer, needing some professional advice with regards to fashion. He really didn't have any idea what's nice nor whats in fashion.

And Chris pushed him a two pink colour shirts.

I thought he really wasn't a pink guy. And Chris told me that he pushed it to him because the pink stocks weren't moving as well. I didn't like it a single bit. I mean, yes, it makes sense to clear old stocks. But if the customer didn't look nice in that colour, what would his friends say? His friends might say tell him the truth that he looks awful in that colour! And would he come back? He wouldn't. So, is it more beneficial to choke up instantaneous sales or recurring sales?

I would go for recurring sales.

Unless, the customer liked a colour that I thought looked awful, then I would agree whole-heartedly with his statement.

BUT, if a customer asked me for advice on what's nice on him/ whats in fashion, I would never recommend him something awful just becaue I want to clear stocks. Especially so if the guy is a nice person, genuinely looking for fashion advice.

Oh wells, differing opinions again. I shall observe more and see if this guy comes back : )

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